Recent pogroms leave hundreds in need of food and medical support

(NEW YORK) March 10, 2020 – For the moment, tensions stemming from India’s new citizenship law seem to have come to an uncomfortable calm in New Delhi. In recent weeks, India has watched massive and unprecedented anti-government protests nationwide, resulting in the worst violence Delhi has seen in decades, leaving citizens living in shock after witnessing a warlike atmosphere and devastation.

A great majority of the victims and casualties are Muslim, who represent 14% of the population in comparison to the over 800 million Hindu majority in India. In New Delhi, homes, mosques and other places of worship have been ransacked and destroyed, businesses looted, and left thousands of families grieving and displaced.

As the death toll has risen to 53, violence in the streets has left hundreds of wounded seeking healthcare and basic living necessities to live day-to -day. In Delhi, dead bodies are still being discovered and even more victims are dying in overcrowded hospitals where help is urgently needed.

For many, help is too late, leaving families to grieve the senseless loss of their homes and loved ones. But for as many as possible, UNITED SIKHS, a United Nations affiliated, international non-profit, non-governmental, humanitarian relief, human development and advocacy organization, has provided lifesaving on-site support to those surviving the recent violence in Delhi. From relief kits containing milk, bread and various items to assist with basic nutritional support to essential medicines and emergency necessities.

While the organization unbelievably faces criticism for providing aid to all those impacted, it will continue to carry out its mission: To empower those in need, especially disadvantaged and minority communities across the world.

“Sikhism teaches us to love everyone regardless of cast, creed or religion. As guided by our Guru we only look at the need of an individual and make sure we lend a hand to the helpless, a voice to the voiceless and aid to the downtrodden,” stated UNITED SIKHS Director, Pritam Singh.

“UNITED SIKHS is on the ground distributing food, medicine and emergency relief to any and all that need it. Additionally, we are planning to organize medical camps in violence-stricken areas to help bring normalcy amidst the chaos. UNITED SIKHS will continue to do as much as possible with renewed energy and efforts to help as many as possible,” exclaimed UNITED SIKHS Director, Jasmeet Singh.

Since, 1999 UNITED SIKHS has been on the forefront of helping communities across the world through some of their darkest moments. Founded in Queens, New York, UNITED SIKHS is now in Asia, Africa, Europe and Australia pursuing projects for the spiritual, social and economic empowerment of underprivileged and minority communities.