This Vaisakhi – The Khalsa Does its Duty

This Vaisakhi let us reflect on a new beginning that gives us Compassion (Daya), Disclipine (Dharam), Courage (Himmat), Strength (Mohkam) and make us all Masters (Sahib) of our destiny.
Lets join hands and follow the path set by our Guru so that justice, peace and prosperity prevails for all.
Dear Brothers and Sisters, we know that this does not come easy. The panth continues to face challenges – be it in France where Sikhs are forced to remove their dastaar at school or for their ID photo; in European airports where Sikhs are made to remove their turban for security screening; in India- where Balwant Singh Rajoana is facing the death penalty; in Pakistan- where the Sikh victims from the on-going war are still awaiting reparation; in Afghanistan- where Sikh victims are not only awaiting reparation but are denied their basic right to educate, burn their dead and don’t have enough security for women and children; in the UK where students continue to face difficulty wearing a Kirpan to school; in USA where hatecrimes and discrimination continue and there is no equal opportunity to serve in the armed forces; in Canada – where Sikhs are forced to wear helmets at work. However, UNITED SIKHS volunteers continue to work hard to make sure that the strength of the Khalsa helps the community fight adversity.
Through our annual Global Conference bringing together human and civil rights advocates from around the world or through our Annual Global and Civil Rights Report, we continue to shed light on the most pressing issues of the global Sikh nation, and continue to fight for the free practice of the Sikh faith.
UNITED SIKHS in its 11 chapters works day and night to make sure that peace, justice and compassion prevails for all. This doesn’t come easy, and requires a lot of sacrfices by a number of volunteers, members, who have given their countless hours to protect, fight, educate and promote the actions reflecting on “Recognize the Human Race as One”. Also this wouldn’t happen without the love, guidance and support of all of you who read this message.
Please VOLUNTEER with us and provide YOUR FINANCIAL SUPPORT to keep this work alive
UNITED SIKHS Volunteers in Action

A few highlights where our legal team has helped secure victory in keeping the Sikh Identity in the last year:
- France Turban Case
- Kirpan Rights of Sikh Care Worker
- Kirpan Ban Lifted At Amritsar Airport
- Warrant of Arrest against Punjab Police Officer in Mohali Turban Case
A few highlights of our humanitarian aid team:
? Africa Aid
? Japan Earthquake
? Pakistan Floods
? Panjab Floods
? Blood Donation
A few highlights of our Community and Empowerment Division (CEED) teams:
- Sikhs For Fitness
- SWAN (Someone With A Need)
- The EduCare Center NYC
- Sikh Awareness Through Libraries (SATL)
We at UNITED SIKHS marvel at the transcendent power that comes when humans leap selflessly into service and social justice activism. We pray to be simple, humble and brave.
Issued by:
UNITED SIKHS Global Volunteer Team
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