Support the Sava Lakh Spirit… Help us continue the seva !!! Where we fight for your rights globally, will you stand by us?

- UNITED SIKHS secures another landmark victory in French school turban case, as it continues to serve the global Sikh community. Watch “Fighting for my Crown“, a documentary on the Sikh community’s struggle in France and the hurdles faced by UNITED SIKHS team during this campaign.
- Our Legal Director, Mejindarpal Kaur, spearheaded this legal campaign culminating in victory after 9 years of persistent seva. Watch her interview on The Sikh Channel.
- UNITED SIKHS, the only Sikh organization with its global advocacy chapters in 10 countries, has their ‘finger on the pulse’ of the Sikh nation’s civil and human rights issues. The Global Sikh Civil Rights report, 2012 reveals our global approach to advocacy on issues that matter to all Sikhs.
- This report also details the first victory for Sikh rights attained by UNITED SIKHS, earlier this year, before the UNHRC in the French turban case of Bhai Ranjit Singh.
- Join us as we fight for Sikh rights globally by supporting our advocacy work !
UNITED SIKHS Advocacy, Global- An unwavering desire to protect Sikh rights and 9 years of gruelling seva culminated in successes this year in the cases fought by UNITED SIKHS at United Nations on behalf of Bikramjit Singh and Bhai Ranjit Singh. This would not have been possible without your support and the Guru’s blessing.
UNITED SIKHS continues to serve a global Sikh community without borders, challenging the civil and human rights violations perpetrated against Sikhs worldwide. The 4th publication of our Global Sikh Civil and Human Rights Report combines data from primary and secondary sources covering more than 30 countries around the world. The report also demonstrates how minority communities are adversely facing the brunt of evolving governmental policies that threaten their identity.
Help us ensure that Sikh Civil and Human Rights are secured for the years to come.
Double your year end donation and help us continue to work on a global front and provide legal advocacy for : Census and Right to Self Identity, Right to Articles of Faith, Screening of Turbans at Airport and other National Security Issues, Employment Discrimination, Racial Profiling, Bullying Prevention and Domestic Terrorism.
Issued By-
Manmeet Singh
Staff Attorney, International Civil and Human Rights Advocacy (ICHRA)
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