Stop the Destruction of Sikh Heritage

April 4, 2019
Click here for Panjabi translation

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The historic Darshani Deori (gateway), representing a vital example of Sikh religious architecture in its prime period, has been a key part of the Taran Taran religious complex that was established by fifth Sikh master Guru Arjan Sahib in Taran Taran, a town he founded in the 16th Century in Panjab, India.
The willful destruction of Sikh heritage has been going on in India and Pakistan, in the name of modernization and maintenance, by kar seva teams who have little or no knowledge of modern conservation, preservation and restoration methods. There is a need to put a stop to the destruction of the Sikh Historical Heritage and preserve what is left. The Gurdwara Parbandhak (Management) Committees of India and Pakistan are custodians of the Sikh Heritage and are responsible for the management of historic gurdwaras, takhats and other historic buildings, sites and artefacts. They are also responsible for the security, financial, maintenance and religious aspects of these heritage buildings, sites and sacred and historical artefacts, including shastar, clothes, books and writings of the Sikh Gurus and other religious writers.

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We respectfully request Singh Sahib Jathedar of Sri Akal Takhat Sahib Ji to do the following:
1. Establish an independent inquiry into the attempted destruction of the historic Darshni Deori at Taran Taran Sahib, with full transparency, and those found responsible, be held to account.
2. Order the setting up respective Sikh Heritage Preservation Committee comprising independent experts who will conduct a Heritage Impact Assessment to draw up a Sikh Heritage Preservation List and Plan for the Sikh Heritage in the care and custody of each of the following Management Committees: Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee, Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management Committee, Takht Patna Sahib Management Committee, Takht Sachkhand Shri Hazur Sahib Management Committee, Jammu and Kashmir District Management Committees and the Evacuee Trust Property Board – Pakistan Sikh Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (PSGPC). A people without a history do not have a future, and the widespread destruction of Sikh heritage in recent decades has already led to a diminished sense of Sikh history. Younger generations of Sikhs are, increasingly, being denied a chance to see and experience the legacy of our Gurus and Sikh historical figures. We, therefore, call on Singh Sahib Jathedar Sr Akal Takhat Sahib Ji to stop the destruction of historical Sikh monuments and artefacts and to take concrete steps to ensure the preservation of Sikh heritage for future generations, with full accountability to the Sikh Panth. Let your voice be heard, please sign the petition here.
Issued by,
Mejindarpal Kaur
International Legal Director