April 22, 2021
New York, NY
UNITED SIKHS stands in solidarity with the Muslim community and applauds the passage of the NO BAN Act in the U.S. House of Representatives.
During the Trump Administration, one of the president’s first acts was to issue an Executive Order banning foreign nationals from seven predominantly Muslim countries from visiting the US for 90 days and suspending entry of all Syrian refugees indefinitely. This order which had been done explicitly to exclude Muslims from US entry was contested in the federal court system and its implementation was temporarily prevented. After some revisions, the prior Administration was able to legally implement a portion of the Muslim ban that went into effect in the fall of 2017. Additional travel restrictions were added in 2018.
In April 2019, US Representative Judy Chu and Senator Chris Coons introduced the NO BAN Act to the House and Senate respectively. The NO BAN (National Origin-Based Antidiscrimination for Non-immigrants) Act was written to repeal the Muslim ban and to limit the ability of a president to issue sweeping bans in the future. The bill would also strengthen existing prohibitions on religious discrimination in visa applications. While the House of Representatives voted to pass the NO BAN Act, the Senate took no action and the bill was never put to a vote. The Senate’s inaction ensured that the NO BAN Act could not become a law. On his first day of office, President Biden signed an Executive Order lifting the Muslim ban.
On February 25, 2021, Representative Chu re-introduced the NO BAN Act to the House of Representatives. Although President Biden repealed the Muslim ban through Executive Order on his first day in office, Representative Chu argued, “we cannot risk letting prejudice become policy again.” She further stated, “That is why I am once again introducing the NO BAN Act to update our laws. By requiring actual evidence of a threat before there can be any such broad based bans like this, the NO BAN Act ensures that future presidents will not be able to ban people solely because of their religion. I’m proud that this bill was passed by the House last Congress and, with the help and leadership of Senator Chris Coons, I hope to see it passed again and brought to the President’s desk soon.”
On April 21, 2021, the House of Representatives once again approved the bill. It now awaits action in the Senate.
UNITED SIKHS applauds the efforts of Representative Chu and the advocacy of the Muslim community and its allies. The Sikh community has been hurt, but finds solace in the outpouring of support from our friends and allies. Our community regains its strength by standing together and supporting one another.
UNITED SIKHS welcomes the opportunity to work to ensure passage of the NO BAN Act into law.
NO BAN solidarity