Early Voting Starts This Week: Oct. 24-Nov. 1 -NYC

ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕਾ ਖਾਲਸਾ, ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕੀ ਫਤਿਹ!
Dear New Yorkers,
Your vote is your voice and we want to ensure all eligible New Yorkers are heard in this election. In this email we are sharing some important information regarding NYC elections 2020 provided by NYC officials. We would request you to share this with sangat, family and friends.
Important Information:
Early voting in New York starts this Saturday, October 24 and ends Sunday, November 1.
Key Dates
- October 24-November 1: Early Voting – Find your polling place at voting.nyc.
- October 27: Last day to request an absentee ballotonline
- or by mail, email, phone or fax. If you’d like to vote by mail, make sure to request it ASAP at nycabsentee.com otherwise it may not arrive on time.
- November 3: Election Day (6am-9pm). Find your polling place at voting.nyc. Last day to mail in your absentee ballot or deliver your absentee ballot in person to your borough’s Board of Elections office.
Know Your Rights
- In any election, you have a right to be assisted by any person of your choice (except your employer or union representative), including a trained poll worker, if you need help to vote.
- If you need an interpreter, interpreters are available to assist voters at selected sites.
- The New York City Board of Elections provides language assistance in Punjabi or Hindi at select City poll sites. Call 866-VOTE-NYC for information about which poll sites have language assistance available and for which languages.
Vote Safely During COVID-19
- When voting, follow our most important prevention steps.
- If voting in person, follow simple precautions to protect yourself and others from COVID-19:
- Wear a face covering. Face coverings are required to enter all polling sites. Protect those around you and wear a face-covering correctly (over your nose and mouth).
- Practice healthy hand hygiene. Polling sites will provide hand sanitizer, and you can also bring your own. Use hand sanitizer before and after touching any shared surfaces, and wash your hands with soap and water immediately after you get home. Avoid touching your face with unwashed hands.
- Practice physical distancing. Polling places will be set up to ensure physical distancing. Follow instructions and stay at least 6 feet away from others while at your polling site.
- Avoid long lines and crowds. If you can, vote early before Election Day or go when your voting center is less busy, usually mid-morning or early afternoon.
- Stay home if you are sick. Voting is important, but it’s more important that you get well and keep New Yorkers safe! For more information visit: https://unitedsikhs.org/elections-2020/ or contact us at 1-888-243-1690
Gurinder Kaur
Recognize The Human Race As One