The Tragic Killing of Sonya Massey

We, UNITED SIKHS and the international Sikh community, stand in solidarity with the family of Sonya Massey and the Springfield community during this tragic time. Sonya Massey, a beloved mother, friend, and daughter, was taken from us in an act that highlights the deep-seated injustices faced by Black Americans.

Courtesy Ruby Funeral Services

The Sikh faith is founded on the principle of “Sarbat Da Bhala”, which means the welfare and well-being of all. It is a principle that calls us to advocate for justice, equality, and the protection of every individual’s rights. Sonya Massey’s senseless death is a stark reminder of the urgent need to address systemic racism and ensure that all individuals, regardless of their race, feel safe and protected in their own communities.

We condemn this unjust act and call for justice for Sonya Massey. Her family deserves answers, accountability, and the assurance that such tragedies will not be repeated. As we grieve with her family, we also join the call for comprehensive reform, including the immediate passage of the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act.

Sonya Massey was shot in the face after calling 911 for help. (Courtesy Ben Crump Law via AP)

In this moment of sorrow, let us remember that our collective commitment to justice and equality is a fundamental principle of the Sikh faith. The international Sikh community remains dedicated to standing up against injustice and working towards a society where every individual can live withoutfear and with the assurance of their rights and dignity.

May Sonya Massey’s memory inspire us to continue fighting for a world where justice, peace, and equality prevail. Our prayers and deepest condolences are with her family, loved ones, and all those affected by this tragic loss.



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